On 20th of June 2021, the Yemen Information Center for Research and Media (YIC) in Aden signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the University of Science & Technology in Aden, to promote joint work on the research, social, humanitarian and development aspects, and the various different means of ownership of the centre.
The agreement, which was signed by the director of the center in Aden, Eng. Ahmed Saeed Al-Wahish on behalf of the Center, and the president of the university in Aden, Dr. Abdul Ghani Ahmad Hamid, on behalf of the university, included how to enhance ways of joint cooperation in exchanging scientific and research experiences and information, and implementing training programs and activities in various disciplines and fields, as well as joint coordination by holding scientific conferences and seminars, and meeting joint scientific and research productions that support research work.
After the signature, Al-Wahish stressed on the importance of this joint cooperation, which contributes to the implementation of joint awareness and educational programs on the research studies and developmental fields to enhance the efforts exerted in this field, and achieve the most important objectives of the Center represented in strengthening and supporting all efforts made by various parties and stakeholders (local and international) to bring peace and national reconciliation, spread the spirit of hope, contribute to restoring social and patriotic cohesion among the people of the country, as well as to spread the culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the society, and stay away from the language of intolerance, extremism and hatred in the media and research discourse by adopting the means of awareness and community education, and striving to build an information base in various societal and developmental issues, as well as supporting all areas of development with various research and studies.
Al-Wahish explained that this agreement is among the most important achievements accomplished by the Center, especially since the University of Science & Technology is one of the largest private universities in Yemen, which contributes significantly and tangibly to strengthening the educational and applied research process in many disciplines, and graduates many scientific competencies armed with science and knowledge.
For his part, the President of the University, Dr. Abdul-Ghani Hamid, and the Vice-President of the University, Dr. Munir Al-Abadi, stressed on the importance of the joint agreement with the Center, which will contribute to the exchange of research experiences and information by supporting research studies related to the social, humanitarian and developmental aspects of various social issues and fields. It will support all joint specialized scientific efforts and research efforts. It will build the main research studies and disseminate them through media. It will contribute to the development of the country in various economic, developmental and social fields. It promotes the process of establishing peace and spreading the principles of tolerance and social coexistence in the various Yemeni governorates.
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